Air conditioning keeps us relaxed, keeps us healthy and comfortable, and cools us down. It’s even been shown to make us more productive!
Heating and cooling services are a vital part of your home. A malfunctioning heating or cooling system can lead to major problems, like mold and structural damage. That’s why it’s important to know the facts about heating and cooling services before you hire a company.
Here are 5 facts you should know about heating and cooling services. For more resources, please visit rhodeislandhvacservices.com:
- Consider all of your options before hiring a company to provide you with heat or air conditioning. You may need to replace your unit entirely or simply have it serviced so that it works properly.
When hiring an AC repair company, do your research and find one with a good reputation. Make sure you check out their website and read reviews from other customers. Make sure that they are insured, licensed, and bonded before you hire them for any work on your HVAC system.
When looking for an HVAC contractor, consider asking for recommendations from friends and family members who have recently had work done on their systems. You can also ask other contractors in the area if they know of any good companies that they recommend using when they need help with their own heating or cooling issues.
- Make sure you ask any contractor you consider for their license number. They should be able to provide it immediately upon request, so don’t settle for “I’ll get back to you on that” excuses!
A contractor’s license number will tell you a lot about the person and their business. It’s like a fingerprint—unique and specific to them. If they have one and don’t want to share it with you, that’s a red flag.
- It’s important to be sure that any contractor who provides HVAC service is licensed in your state—this will ensure that they’re doing everything by the book and won’t end up costing more than they should be charging for repairs or installation fees (which can add up quickly when they’re not licensed!).
There are a few things you should look for when making sure that any contractor you hire is properly licensed:
- A license number on all advertisements and business cards, as well as on trucks or vans that they use to transport equipment.
- Signs are posted on all vehicles stating their license number and contact information, if applicable.
- A copy of their most recent license renewal certificate is available upon request at no cost to you!
- Ask if there are any discounts available for senior citizens or military families (if applicable). Sometimes those types of programs are offered by utility companies or local charities; check with them first before going straight.
- You can count on a qualified heating & cooling service provider to help you choose the right equipment for your needs and budget.
Closing Your Vents Can Harm Your HVAC System
If you live in a humid climate, then you know that keeping your home’s vents open is essential. When your vents are closed, they can trap moisture and humidity inside your home, which can cause mold and mildew to grow. This can be especially harmful to people with allergies or asthma.
But what if you live in a dry climate? Well, there’s still a good reason to keep those vents open: closing them traps stale air in one part of your home while fresh air is being introduced into the rest of your home. This means that the air quality throughout the entire house will suffer because there will be no mixing between fresh air and stale air.