Architects are responsible for the designing and construction of a building. The job is risky and requires a lot of learning and practice to avoid any mishap. The job is not confined to just making blueprints, but it has many other responsibilities to see and check that everyone follows the correct procedure of the blueprint. In addition, the architecture needs to make sure that correct materials for insulation, support, design etc., any ignorance in the whole process can cost an architect his career.
Who is a licensed architect?
A licenced architect has a proper degree in the study of architecture and practical knowledge from an authentic university. The practical knowledge is gained during the internship or training program. In addition, they need to have proper registration. A licensed is trustworthy and reliable. They take complete responsibility and lead the project/work.
The increment in the development process has led to many opportunities for architects as every day new buildings, malls and complex are emerging. Years of theory and practical knowledge, learning and training pay off well. This depicts that architects have a very bright future. Every path and career have their own pros and cons, and so does architecture.