Building an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) that involves converting a garage into a house mostly proves to be an advantageous scenario that will enable you to convert unused space into long-term value in your property. With a bit of planning and a piece of land and a garage to convert into an ADU, you may construct a tiny house and contribute to the new wave of housing innovation while benefiting your community and your cash account.
With California experiencing a severe affordable housing crisis, state policymakers have explored solutions to build more high-quality houses while still valuing the environment and the people. Although California used to be the vast frontier, with hundreds of miles of gorgeous pristine terrain, every square inch of land is today valuable. Converting a garage into a home or apartment while optimizing space rather than expanding is critical; ADU conversions have become so appealing.
Examine the Condition of your Garage
To save money, many individuals contemplating an ADU choose a garage conversion. After all, unless you want to add a second story to your garage, you will begin with an existing structure. However, you must ensure that you do not have to rebuild the present framework completely. If you need to rebuild the foundations or structure or replace portions of the roof, you could be better off starting over elsewhere on the site. Take into proper account the ROI involved in this case. Begin from the bottom and work your way up. If you do not have any construction experience, it is good to hire a professional such as Acton ADU to evaluate the structure for you.
Make Sure that it is Legal
Before you start working on an ADU garage conversion, you should know what your local authorities allow and what licenses you will need. A growing number of towns and states now have legislation to enhance the quality and safety of all types of ADUs, so it is essential to familiarize yourself with your local rules and regulations.
Legislation and municipal regulations governing ADUs often encompass everything from design and dimensional criteria to material specifications. While restrictions vary by state and city, most local governments require that an ADU has a small kitchen and bathroom. It is critical to include this into your first budget since infrastructure expenditures may quickly add up.
Weigh up the Costs
When you include the expenses of design, permits, working with a contractor to complete site prep and construction, an ADU garage conversion may cost between $80,000 and $150,000 – and sometimes much more. There is a slew of restrictions and red tape to deal with regarding how you utilize your property, just like anything else. That raises a difficulty that keeps you wondering what could be in a world where you want an ADU but would rather avoid having to unravel all of those restrictions, not worry about obtaining all of the necessary approvals, and avoid all of the headaches?